
By platform


Break down complex tasks into checklists


Optimize recurring processes with templates


Jira issue hierarchy from initiative to sub-task


Learn how your team is performing and overall productivity


Turn Jira tickets into release notes using AI


Add checklists to your items and subitems


Use saved templates across all monday projects

<b>Smart Checklist</b><br> for Jira

Smart Checklist
for Jira

Create ToDo lists to organize your work. Save checklists as templates to streamline recurring tasks. Automatically add and update checklists to save your time.


Active users

4 000+


Cloud Fortified

Platinum Marketplace

Top lineBottom line

With Smart Checklist you can

Create detailed

Manage templates for
recurring tasks

add checklists

Keep track of checklist

Create and manage
checklists for Jira tasks

click to see example

Mandatory items

Mandatory items



Text Formatting

Text Formatting

Item Details

Item Details

User Mentions

User Mentions

Custom statuses

Custom statuses



Link Jira Issues/URL’s

Link Jira Issues/URL’s



Templatespowerful feature

Templates<span class="accent-label">powerful feature</span>
hover to see exampleclick to see example
Mandatory items
Text Formatting
Item Details
User Mentions
Custom statuses
Link Jira Issues/URL’s
Templatespowerful feature
speed up your performance

How different teams
use checklist

IT | Engineering

IT and Engineering

Give your Engineering team a peace of mind with well defined processes, a space to handle implementation plans, and own ToDos.

IT | Engineering

Product | Management

Product and Management

Free your Management team from routine, repetitive tasks and let them focus on things that move projects further.

Product | Management

HR | Recruiting

HR and Recruiting

Automatically add checklists to all HR’s Jira tickets to maximize the team’s efficiency and reduce human errors.

HR | Recruiting



Turn your Marketing tasks into clear step-by-step action plans. Create your own checklists, save them as templates to streamline regular activities.




Forget about overdue payments and missed tax declaration. Enhance all financial processes with clear, step-by-step action plans no one can mess up.

IT | Engineering
Product | Management
HR | Recruiting

IT and Engineering

Give your Engineering team a peace of mind with well defined processes, a space to handle implementation plans, and own ToDos.

IT | Engineering

Product and Management

Free your Management team from routine, repetitive tasks and let them focus on things that move projects further.

Product | Management

HR and Recruiting

Automatically add checklists to all HR’s Jira tickets to maximize the team’s efficiency and reduce human errors.

HR | Recruiting


Turn your Marketing tasks into clear step-by-step action plans. Create your own checklists, save them as templates to streamline regular activities.



Forget about overdue payments and missed tax declaration. Enhance all financial processes with clear, step-by-step action plans no one can mess up.

Achieve Your Goal

Automations and Integrations
for your Jira

Add a checklist automatically based on triggers to optimize your workflow.

Integrate your go-to tool with Smart Checklist.

Immediately get a sense of
all activities and tasks

Use display options

  • View progress on agile Board
  • View agile board issue detail in side bar
  • Change checklist position in issue view
Use display options

See all assigned items

  • Separate Page for Cloud
  • Dashboard Gadget for Data Center
See all assigned items

Enable notifications

  • Notify about all updates
  • Notify when a person is assigned
Enable notifications

Track Changes

  • Checklist history tab
  • Tooltip with latest changes
Track Changes

Use display options

  • View progress on agile Board
  • View agile board issue detail in side bar
  • Change checklist position in issue view

See all assigned items

  • Separate Page for Cloud
  • Dashboard Gadget for Data Center

Enable notifications

  • Notify about all updates
  • Notify when a person is assigned

Track Changes

  • Checklist history tab
  • Tooltip with latest changes

Painless migration to
Smart Checklist

Issue Checklist

Issue Checklist

Migration Guide
Elements Checklist

Elements Checklist

Migration Guide

Ready to boost your team's productivity?

Blue CircleOrange CircleTop LineBottom Line

More Smart Tools - Less Manual Work

Save any issue types as a template

Learn more
Checklist Item Image

Frequently Asked Questions 🤔

Haven't found an answer? Try our blog or ask us directly via email

What is Smart Checklist?

Smart Checklist is a Jira add-on that allows you to include to-do lists in your Jira tickets. You can also create checklist templates for recurring tasks. They will be automatically added to an issue based on your triggers and criteria.

How do teams use Smart Checklist?

Smart Checklist is used to add to-do lists to Jira issues. Some of the most common use cases would include:

  • Technical
    • Definition of Done;
    • Acceptance Criteria;
    • Product Release checklist;
    • App publishing;
    • Code Review checklist;
    • Test cases;
    • Security compliance.
  • Support
    • Standard questionnaire for requests.
  • HR and Finance
    • People Onboarding and Offboarding;
    • Budget audit;
    • Tax preparation.
  • Marketing
    • SEO and content creation checklists;
    • Marketing campaing planning.

Can I use checklists as templates?

Yes, you can save your checklists and use them as templates. A Jira checklist template will be added to an issue based on your triggers and criteria. Check how this functionality works on Data Center and Cloud instances.

What are the differences between the Smart Checklist FREE and Smart Checklist PRO checklist plugins?

Smart Checklist PRO and FREE are separate add-ons. The free version is limited to 5 templates, and a maximum of 20 items per checklist, and it is only available for Jira Cloud. You can compare the plugins in our documentation.

How much does Smart Checklist cost?

Pricing for the PRO version depends on the amount of users. You can check the pricing of our checklist for Jira Cloud here, and for Jira Data Center here.

How can I install your checklist in Jira?

You'll need admin or system admin permissions to install Smart Checklist. You can install it directly from the Atlassian Marketplace.

Is Smart Checklist available on Jira Cloud or Data Center?

While Smart Checklist PRO is available on Jira Cloud and Data Center, Smart Checklist FREE is only available on Jira Cloud.

Can I migrate from another checklist app to Smart Checklist?

You can import your checklists from Issue Checklist for Jira into Smart Checklist. You can also use a CSV file to bulk import your checklists from other sources.

Can I import my checklists from other sources?

Yes, we support CSV import from other sources. You can also import checklists from Trello directly via our power-up.

Is Smart Checklist available for Next-Gen Projects?

Yes, Smart Checklist functionality is fully available on Next-Gen Projects.

Is Smart Checklist GDPR compliant and what are our data privacy policies?

Yes, Smart Checklist is GDPR compliant. You can learn more our data privacy and security policy via the following links: Cloud Data Center