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Denys Kontorskyy

Published August 30, 2024

User Story Template Tips: Quick Guide to Jira Optimization

Atlassian, Jira Project Management Smart Template Templates

Creating a standardized user story template in Jira may seem simple, given the number of features available, but it can be quite challenging. Many teams face difficulties due to the limitations of existing solutions, such as issue cloning, automation, and field customization.

In this article, I cover both Jira’s native features and advanced tools that can assist you in creating and maintaining effective user story templates. These templates will help streamline your workflow and ensure consistency across your team.

What goes into a User Story template

Inconsistent user stories can lead to confusion and inefficiencies within a team. A well-defined user story template provides a standardized approach to tracking and managing work, ensuring all team members are aligned and the stories consistently deliver value to the end user.

A user story should focus on delivering something valuable to the end user. However, what is considered valuable can differ from person to person. This is why it’s important to standardize your user stories. The most effective way to do this is by creating and reusing a story template.

A basic yet effective template follows this formula: As a {user role}, I’d like to do {X} so that {Y}. 

The above formula is a great starting point, and with the right tools, you can take it even further. 

For example, by using the description field in your Jira issue, you can provide detailed steps necessary to achieve the goal, offering more context and clarity. Additional fields, such as the assignee and story points, help the team understand who is accountable and how much effort is needed during the sprint. Moreover, incorporating a Definition of Done (DoD) checklist will eliminate guesswork and ensure everyone understands what is considered complete.

While this may sound straightforward, relying on memory to fill out the formula, DoD, and other elements each time can lead to oversights and inconsistencies.

Having reliable and practical solutions to streamline the creation of user stories is always a better approach. 

Smart Checklist for Jira allows teams to create detailed ToDo lists within Jira issues, making tracking progress easier and ensuring that all necessary steps are completed. Features like mandatory items, text formatting, and custom statuses help teams organize their work efficiently.

For an improved workflow, the DoD (or any other) checklist can also be automatically added when an issue status is changed. 

You can add the DoD checklist to both the main issue and the child issues:

  • For the main issue, include the broad checklist that ensures the user story meets the overall Definition of Done.
  • For child issues, add a specific checklist relevant to each sub-task to ensure all detailed steps are covered.

Here’s an example DoD checklist for the main issue:

– Code produced
– Code commented
– Code checked and run against the current version
– Peer reviewed
– Builds without errors
– Unit tests written and passing
– Deployed to the system test environment and passed system tests
– Passed UAT
– Documentation updated
– Remaining hours to task set to 0 and task closed

And here’s an example DoD checklist for a child issue (e.g., development task):

– Development environment set up
– Code implemented
– Code reviewed by a peer
– Unit tests written and passing
– Code pushed to repository

User Story template using Jira’s native features

Jira’s native features, such as Jira Automation, Default Values in Team-Managed Projects, Issue Cloning, and Bulk Editing, help simplify the creation of basic user story templates. They provide a simple and effective method for ensuring consistency across projects. These tools are user-friendly, require no additional installations, and generally meet most basic requirements.

  • Jira Automation allows you to set up rules that trigger specific actions automatically. For example, you can create a rule that generates a new user story with a predefined template whenever a story is created.
  • Default Values in Team-Managed Projects feature allows you to set default values for specific fields in your user stories, ensuring that key information is consistently included without manual input.
  • Issue Cloning enables you to duplicate existing user stories, making it easy to create similar stories by modifying only the necessary details.
  • Bulk Editing lets you update multiple user stories simultaneously, saving time and ensuring consistency across related issues.

Let’s take a look at how these features would work in a project:

You can utilize Jira Automation to streamline the process of creating user stories. When you manually create a user story and add a summary, automation can automatically fill in the description with a predefined template. This helps to ensure that you include all necessary information, such as:

  • User Story + Acceptance criteria
  • Link to design
  • Link to Confluence
  • Responsible designer
  • Responsible Product Manager

In Team-Managed Projects, you can use default values to help maintain consistency in areas where it makes sense. While fields like ‘Priority’ or ‘Story Points’ can vary depending on the specifics of each story, you can still make good use of this feature by standardizing the ‘Description’ field. This way, every new user story includes the same important details and follows a consistent structure, just like in the above Jira Automation flow example.

When working with user stories that follow a similar structure, Issue Cloning is a useful feature. You can create a ‘template’ user story with all relevant fields filled in. This template can then be manually cloned to create additional user stories.

However, if your process involves more complex, hierarchical structures—such as parent and child issues—Smart Templates for Jira can be more effective. If your team deals with complex processes such as product launches or recruitment workflows that involve multiple linked tasks or subtasks, Smart Templates can be a valuable tool. It enables you to save and reuse issue templates, pre-fill fields, and create hierarchies of issues, ensuring consistency and saving time.

Bulk Editing is a useful tool for applying the same update to multiple user stories, such as adding a standard description. For example, you might manually create several user stories, each with a summary. Once the summaries are in place, you can use bulk editing to add or modify text in the description field for all the selected stories at once.

Now you’re all set to tackle any project without worrying about missing details and dealing with the chaos disorganization brings!

Denys Kontorskyy
Article by Denys Kontorskyy
Content Writer at TitanApps—passionate about product marketing and dedicated to creating content that educates audiences and provides practical, applicable knowledge.